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When God Has Other Plans

Dear god,
I’m hurt and confused. I’ve never prayed so much and so hard for the baby I lost. Why didn’t you save it? Lord I followed your faith principles, I prayed and believed. You said faith moves mountains yet the baby still died. I spoke life and health over the baby. I’ve envisioned it’s life filled with your presence. I prayed for it to have a heart that knew you. I prayed for it to grow up loving and worshiping you. Yet it still died. Why lord? Why? Where are you? What are you doing?

I put my hope and trust in you; please show me my mistakes. Forgive me if I have sinned against you. Help me see how you are helping me in this situation. Father in the past you always made everything turn out ok. Why isn’t this happening in my pregnancies? Jesus my heart is down cast. My hope is diminishing. I’m afraid. Miscarriages are tough. They are tough from the grief, from the physical pain and from the mental pressure they cause. Lord what is the truth?

My dearest Dalia,
I’m doing something amazing in you. What is it that you want me to do for you?

I want you to give me enough strength to handle my life. Make me strong so I can be a great mom, spouse and employee. I’ve been tired lord. Please take that away.

My daughter,
Trust me. Most of your problems can be resolved if you relax and stop worrying. I gave you life so you can live. Live Dalia. Enjoy my blessings. I’m still with you. I heard every prayer and I’ve collected every tear. I will see you through this if you seek me with all your heart.

Dear God

Dear God,
I’m sad Jesus. Just sad. I want to cry and cry and cry. I’m trying so hard to hold on to you. Yet it’s hard. I’m slipping. I’m hurt over what’s happening to me and now I’m hurting over what is going on in the world: violence, crime, wars, etc. Why lord? This makes me want to have nothing to do with you. All the pain and hurt, for what? There’s no love here and there’s no joy.

My Dearest Dalia,
I know there’s pain here and I know you think I’m distant or am not involved. Just because the outcome is not what you want doesn’t mean I don’t love you or want to help you. By the way you couldn’t be more wrong about this world being a bad place. There’s more good going on then you can see. There are wonderful things taking place right now. And yet you may never know about them or hear of them.

When I made you it was for a great cause. One person can make the world better or worse. You decide. Who will you be? Will you make a difference? Will you intervene? Will you trust me?

Seeking God

O papa, my heart is torn. All I want to do is cry. I feel so sorry for myself. I don’t want to go to work and I don’t want to see pregnant women. How many times did I see them only to hope that one day I will be like them and it never happened! Why do you think I can handle this lord? I don’t see where you are in my pain.

My Dearest Dalia,
I have never let you out of my sight. I know all about your situation. I didn’t forget you and I’m not distant. I have a good plan for your future. Trust me. Walk by faith not by sight. Those who wait on me will see my glory. I am closer to you than you think. I have given you tears to express your feelings. Go ahead and don’t deny your emotions, they are part of the healing process. I want you to live moment by moment. Give me thanks for everything, even small things. Talk to me throughout the day. Ask me for advice, opinions and so on. Take me as your life’s partner. Together we will do amazing things. Dalia, trust me.

Tough times

Sometimes circumstances occur that are daunting and make absolutely no sense in the natural. Things happen in our lives that tear us apart. Broken dreams, broken hearts, broken spirits, broken souls, broken lives, and broken homes. The worst part is that you feel god has totally abandoned you. You cry out but he doesn’t answer. You beg and plea for help, for understanding, for a reason why, yet you only find him silent.

Sometimes trials and storms come that shake your faith and you are absolutely speechless. The thought of a loving god allowing you to go through such hardship makes no sense. You start to wonder: is god real, does he care, why didn’t he intervene and change my circumstances? Why didn’t god change the outcome of my circumstances especially when I prayed and believed him to keep his promises? If god is not a liar than why did things turn out the way they did? What part of with god all things are possible did I miss? What part of trust in The Lord with all your heart and he will give you your hearts desire did I miss? He said if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed nothing shall be impossible unto you. So what did I miss? My faith was greater than a grain of mustard seed!

My heart hurts and is broken in a million pieces. Not only did I have two miscarriages in six months but my faith in my creator is diminishing. How is god going to work this out for good? I guess that’s up to him to decide. What if the problem is not one of faith but of selfishness. I expect to tell god what I want and he should do it because I have faith that he will, right? What if this is the wrong perception of him. God is not a genie that must grant my every wish. I should trust and follow him at all times not the other way around.

He never lied about anything. Actually, he was the one who said in this world you will have many trials. He also said take courage I have overcome the world. He said he will never leave me nor forsake me. I think when you are in a state of brokenness, your perception is tinted and its difficult to see the blessing in the trial you are facing. Only months or years later do you get what god was doing. Many times I look back at the darkest areas of my life and I begin to thank god for them because some thing bigger and more wonderful cams out of them.

Here is an example. One of my greatest fears as a child was that my parents would die while I was still young. I was especially fearful of my mother leaving me. My mom was always there. She didn’t work while we were growing up so we’d always see her in the morning and after school we’d go home to a nice cooked meal. She spent most of her time cleaning, cooking, and talking on the phone. I liked being around her. My dad,on the other hand, always worked. He’d leave very early and come home after seven. He even worked nights for a while and we never got to see him much

Because my fear of them dying was so intense I’d plea with god not to take them. I remember being so angry with god because I felt like he was silent and my fear never went away. I even went as far as telling him that if he must take one of them to take my dad because we hardly saw him. therefore, it won’t be as painful if he died instead of mom. I did feel guilty for wanting my dad to die instead of my mom but as a scared little girl I wanted comfort and security.

I don’t know why I had such intense fear or why god allowed me to suffer for so long. I don’t know why he didn’t comfort me or take the fear away. What I do know is that both my parents lived through my childhood. Unfortunately my dad passed away when I was twenty seven. He was only fifty five and died suddenly.

As a child I felt hatred toward god at the thought of him taking away one of my parents. I was upset because I felt god was distant. I even felt sad as an adult thinking they will die one day. I knew I wouldn’t be able to handle it mentally or emotional. Looking back I’m so grateful that god didn’t listen to my fears or anger towards him. He’s so much better than that because he looks at our hearts instead.

So what did god do for me? The interesting thing is that he didn’t work on my timeline. No, he never removed my fear and yes, my dad died young. However, god answered my prayer. Just because he didn’t remove a trial or because he allowed me to stay with my fears for a long time, it doesn’t mean he didn’t exist or care.

God has a way of letting you know that his hand of grace is upon your life even if it takes years later to occur. Before my dad died we had an unsteady relationship. We’d hardly talk for five minutes before an argument broke out. Yet a few days before his death the Lord gave me the most peaceful, miraculous few hours of my life with my dad. It was too perfect of a day to think that the day was mere coincidence.

For one thing there was absolute love and peace in my heart and it was nothing I’ve experienced on my own before. I can’t put into words the experience and joy I felt being with my dad. I just know it was a gift and I did nothing to deserve it. My awareness of the love I had for my dad was heightened for several hours while we were together. It was like god kept pouring thoughts of appreciation and love for my dad while he was alive, while we were together. Even though I was on earth with him, it felt like we were in a different dimension. I was a different person, one who saw what a blessing her dad was to her.

I remember going to Dunkin donuts with him and talking and laughing, then we were at the mall and there was so much peace around us. There was nothing he could’ve done or said to take away the love, joy and peace I had while with him. I know for a fact that it was a miracle because that afternoon those wonderful feelings I had toward my dad lifted and my old self came back… The arguments, silly fights etc.

I was devastated to loose that peace and I tried everything in my power to get it back yet I couldn’t. I truly believe it was supernatural. God had always known about my fears and weaknesses. Yet in his loving kindness he gave me a terrific day with my dad before his departure. Not because I deserved it, actually I deserved to be punished for doubting, hating and questioning god. But he’s so much better than that. He’s not out to get me or punish me.

Even after my dad died, god was there. I didn’t fall apart like I thought I would. He saw me through, slowly, day by day god was faithful. Yes there was pain. Yes it hurt. No, I don’t know why dad died so young. I don’t know why god allowed things to happen as they did but I do know he’s real and in a split second he can show you how majestic he is.
So as I wait on him, I have hope. He never changes. Even when I can’t hear or see how he is helping me, he’ll let me know that he’s with me one way or another.


The choices we make have an impact on our faith and our future. When faced with challenges we can choice to focus on the problem solver, Jesus, or we can let the challenges of life consume us.

Life is hard and full of disappointments. Some of us are battling terminal disease, financial challenges, or relational problems. Others may be praying for a lost child to find the lord or for god to help a risky pregnancy go well. There’s no doubt everyone goes through a difficult time in life at some point. Some may even wonder where god is. Why isn’t he helping us or why is he allowing this to happen to us? Doesn’t he care?

God does care. He cares very much about us. So much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for us while we were still sinners. God is always trying to help us. It’s up to us to receive and welcome his help. I know it sounds hard but it really isn’t.

We always have a choice. We can either choice to be victims who focus on how unfair the world is or we can focus on Jesus who said nothing is impossible to those who believe. Our point of view is important in the outcome of our troubles. People who have a victim mentality draw wrong results in their lives. When we focus on the problem and the pain we are in, we magnify it and give our problem more power then it deserves.

God never promised us a worry free life but he promised never to leave us. He said he will fight our battles and help us go through the storms of life. When we make a decision to choice to follow him by faith then things change. We start to have hope and we gain strength, his strength, to go through anything. Our challenges become our testimonies. And we get to brag about how real and good He is to us!

Our lord is alive! He is the living god. He lives to make intercessions for us. We need to choice to trust him. If we knew how loved we are by Christ and how he’s always working on our behalf, we’d never fear anything this world throws at us. So choice the lord. Walk by faith and not by sight. Spend time everyday with god talking and listening to him. Read your bible and meditate on scriptures. Open your heart and be good to others while you wait for god to fix your problems. Yes, you will learn that it’s not us but him that heals, restores and changes our circumstances, not us. God wants us to completely give him out cares and lean on him. He wants us to trust him and have faith that’s he’s taking care of us even if it doesn’t seem like it in the natural.


Dear lord,
Thank you for giving me the strength to go to church yesterday. Thank you for helping me overcome a headache and dizziness. Lord you took the wheel when I was too tired to drive. You helped me and lead me to a great class that answered my questions head on.
Father you help me every day. Give me the grace to see it. You gave me confidence and courage when supervisors popped in my class. I stayed up late Tuesday night in church even though I woke up at 1:30am and there was a bad storm. Wow god you are awesome, thank you

Dear god,
Today was hard. I took my focus off you and placed it on my problems. Because of this, I feel so drained, miserable, down and ready to explode. Lord I don’t know how to fix my marriage. I don’t know what to say or do to get my point across. I don’t know or understand my husband. But you do. You know everything about the two of us. Fix it father. Help me heal and be a blessing. Lord I’m not bipolar, demon possessed or crazy, like he calls me. Change me lord so I can be the person you want me to be. Please help me stay in this marriage and bless it lord. Make it the type that sets an example for our son. Let it be an example for others. Use it to glorify your name. Make it strong and holy. Help me see it through your eyes. Forgive me for causing pain in my husbands life. Teach me your ways. Help me live with a quite and gentle spirit.

Prayer for today

Lord transform me. Father you are doing amazing things in my life. I ask that you never let me take that for granted. Help me to appreciate and celebrate you more as I walk from glory to glory.
Help me dwell on the good. Help me see how your hand is working in my life. Bless me with knowledge, wisdom and strength.
As I walk as a sheep amongst wolves, I pray for your divine protection. Be a shield around me. Shield my heart, mind and soul from danger, deception, fear, sin, anxiety, illness, wrong thinking, and anything else that attacks me.
May the words out of my mouth honor and bless your name. May I work to please you. May you bless my marriage with riches no one has ever seen. May the future be filled with joy, hope, peace and love. In Jesus name, amen

Remember him in trouble

Father God,
May my tongue always bless your name. I pray with all my heart that each trial brings me closer to your heart. When I’m overwhelmed with the troubles of this world, when I’m too sick to have faith, or when my hopes and dreams are shattered, help me remember the truth about you. Remind me that I’m in the palm of your hand. Jesus, you are always the same: yesterday, today and tomorrow. You never change. So when I’m consumed with fear and lose my way to you, redirect my steps. Remind me of how much you love me. Give me the strength to hold on and fight the good fight. Keep me in your presence. Heal me. Forgive me. Bless me. Shower me with favor. Consume me with your unfailing love. Be a shield of protection around me. Be the strength of my life. In Jesus name, amen


Life is hard. Sharing your life with another person is challenging and hard work, especially when that person doesn’t understand you. Where do you go when your spouse doesn’t understand you? What do you do when you try to talk about things only to end up fighting and making things worse? What happens when you can no longer fix it and no longer wish to? When life gets hard and the enemy keeps telling
You to separate, what do you do? Do you listen and give up? Where’s god? Why is he silent sometimes? Doesn’t he care? Does any one care?