Dear lord,
You said to thank you in all things. You said that your word is good and ur love endures forever. Help me lord to thank you when I suffer. Show me what I should say thank you for. Help me to keep my mind on you and to believe your word when things are not going the way I want.
Lord it’s easy to love you and thank you when life is great. It’s easy to thank you when my dreams become reality or when I have favor w others. But lord when life is hard and when fear pain and hurt come my way, that’s when I struggle to find you. That’s when I have a hard time believing. Tragedy strikes, bad things happen, people hurt me, my body fails, my life hits hard times and that’s when doubt sets in.
Help me lord to wait on you in those tough days. Help me to remember your promises and faithfulness. Help me to never give up. Help me to run to you. Help me find shelter, refugee, peace, love, strength, and security in you when I’m hurt or scared. Lord come quickly in those times and rescue me from the evil one.